SenzMate IoT Intelligence
3 min readJul 10, 2023


Since the Internet of Things(IoT) is becoming the major trend of the tech space, its applications are becoming more common in our daily life style now. It is vastly in use these days in order to make our life more comfortable and less complicated.

With this tight life schedule, most of the people are adapted to use the gas cylinders for their domestic purposes. But unfortunately, they have to deal with the interruption when the gas is emptied without even their acknowledgment. So, each and every time where the cylinder goes emptied they have to wait till it is being replaced in order to finish their cooking, since most of the times that they get to know that the cylinder is empty are occurred while they are cooking. So, what will happen if someone can notify them that their cylinder is going to be empty in advance. So, they will have much time to order another cylinder in advance to avoid un necessary interruptions. And in the view of the gas delivery company they also face the problem of delivering their cylinders efficiently to their customers with the use of less number of workers and vehicles. Because even the customers live in same lane sometimes the delivery person has to come several times a day to deliver the cylinders, since the customers place their orders in distinct times. It is more time and recourse wastage for the company. So, if the gas delivery company can get details of the people who will be going to order cylinders in near future they can arrange it in a proper order and manage their recourses to increase their profits.

On the other hand, people who use gas cylinders in large scales like hotels, restaurants catering services also facing a problem when they want to replace the cylinders. Even though they might be able to predict about the finishing date with their usage history some un expected situations can be occurred due to some unexpected reasons like emergency excess use etc. At situations like mentioned above both companies who order and who provide the gas cylinders have to face big problems. User company of cylinders have to terminate or reduce their processes which requires gas due to the delay of ordering and gas delivery company have to arrange labors, vehicles and other things which are required to supply the sudden gas order. So, they might not be able to deliver the order without having any time delay. It may cost a lost in finance and their client satisfaction due to this delay. If a system can let these both user and provider parties about the next order of cylinders in advance they both can be benefited by avoiding the un wanted interruption.


So, at this point these people can seek the help of IoT to solve their problems. They can use some IoT devices to detect the gas level of the cylinder and let the user to know when it is near to the level where it is required to replace and at the mean time the IoT device can send a notification to the gas delivery company saying that which households will be ordering to replace their gas cylinders soon. So, they can arrange their delivery schedules according those details to avoid the delivery delay and reach their customers efficiently. So, in this way gas cylinder users will be allowed to maintain continuity in their gas usage without interruptions and it will help them to run less complicated life. And the gas delivery companies will be able to optimize their delivery recourses and make profits while making their customers satisfied with their efficient service. And they will be able to keep the records of the gas usage of their customers. They will be able to use these data for their future uses. IoT will help them all to overcome their problems in a smart way. So, isn’t the IoT the best solution for gas delivery?



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